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Thank You for Visiting Star Family Coaching

©2018 by Star Family Coaching.

About Star Family Coaching

Teaching you how to Master your Human Voyage

Hi I'm Coach Hall. Star Family Coaching in some ways started back in 1977. I was a local sports star in basketball when I was presented with the chance to assist a Basketball Coach. He was coaching my younger brothers. After the first game the head coach without notice quit. Suddenly I was the head coach. 


Since I was 16-years old, still a minor, the league rules required an adult be a head coach, so the role was temporary. About three weeks later they found a replacement. But in the meantime, I got to be a head coach.
This shift in responsibility changed my perspective of the game. My personal level of play ramped up from an Allstar level to MVP level. I understood more about roles, teamwork, sacrifice, communication, and strategy. The game became more exciting. I was in tune with both the objective perspective and my subjective experience. 


That experience got me excited about coaching and helping others learn what I was passionate about.  I was able to use this ability to see problems and fix them before most others. In every job I had, I used this talent to make systems more efficient. My skills got noticed, and many doors of opportunity were opened to me as a result. To this day I have created over two dozen efficiency systems that have saved millions of dollars for a variety of companies. 
Now while I was having great success in my career, I continued to volunteer as a sports coach whenever possible. During this time I got married and began a family. The success I was experiencing outside of family life wasn’t transferring entirely at home.


As a father, I was a provider like my father was, and I thought parenting was a natural instinctive skill. The woman I was married to, felt as if she knew how to parent as well. Yet we had different viewpoints when it came to parenting. Back then I submitted to her. I would be the provider, and she would be the caretaker. The signals we sent to our children were mixed leaving them confused. They learned how permissive their mother was until she became upset and became a screaming authoritarian. They learned that I was uninvolved unless they needed something directly from me and they learned that I was assertive in my approach. So if they wanted something that I judged as inappropriate they would go to mommy to get it. 
In 1992 Hurricane Andrew changed the landscape of the land we live in and it changed the direction of my life. I went into survival mode. I began working long hours to help us get out of the financial crisis that came from the major storm. Even after we had recovered I remained in this state. My family and I had grown apart. Everyone seemed happy. Everyone had what they needed and wanted. Except for me.


I wasn’t taking care of my health. I hadn’t played basketball or coached during those four years. I only worked and trusted that my "then" wife was properly handling all the other family affairs. And in 1996 a number of stressful events occurred back to back. I was more on edge than every before. One day a call made me realized my finances were nothing like I had believed them to be. I was making more money than I ever had and I discovered that I was $50,000 in debt and my savings was empty. 


I had my first panic attack. My life spiraled downward. I lost my job, I lost my car, I lost my home and eventually I lost my marriage. All the while I thought I was losing my mind. After spending years in therapy and taking pharmaceuticals to help with depression and panic, I discovered CBT, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. That was in 2000. Over the next few years I began seeing better and better results but I was still feeling poorly. I realized it was the medicine that was holding me back.


In October 2004 I stopped taking prescription drugs and stuck to CBT. By February 2005 I was a new man. I meet a woman with two young children. We dated and then two more hurricanes Katrina and Wilma brought us together. I returned to coaching and continued CBT and studying other disciplines of the mind like NLP, Meditation, ACT, and Life Coaching.


I had a new lease on life. My girlfriend of three years and I would marry in 2008. My commitment to coaching began to grow.  In 2010 I started to notice things about youth league sports that I hadn’t before. I started looking at research and uncovered a ton of information that wasn’t common knowledge. By 2013 I had created a new system of Sports coaching called Stars Developmental System. 


I implemented SDS in my local community. The success was far better than I had anticipated. Parents were impressed. One approached me about helping them parent. I thought the request strange. But they explained that "whatever I was doing" was impacting the behavior of their child. They wanted to learn more about SDS. I wrote a book to help explain what is was that later became the Magic, Illusion and Unbelievable Truth of Youth League Sports.


Moe and more parents asked me to help them. My coaching began to expand beyond sports coaching and moved into family coaching. By 2016 the demand for parenting coaching exceeded my sports coaching and I wasn’t sure what or how to progress. So with some reexamination and a lot of help from mentors and friends. SDS Stars Developmental System transitioned to Star Family Coaching. In 2017 we began operating under this new name yet we forgot to legally change the name. So late 2017 Early 2018 we made it official. 
As the founder of this company, I want to share my over quarter century of parenting and Parent coaching experience along with my Life Mastery training developed from CBT, NLP, ACT, Life coaching and sports coaching experience that dates back to 1977. It’s been a unique journey. And along the way, I discovered that we, parents, do not receive the education, training, and support needed for our children to have an optimum childhood.

I discovered that we are not taught about how our mind works which keeps us not being able to positively master it. Our mind ignorance along with zero parenting training means, we simply are not prepared for the most important job we will ever have. And as someone who has made a career out of fixing problems, this massive human error has become my purpose and mission in life. 
I want every parent to receive the skills, tips, help, training, and support they should have to become the best possible parent. I want them to become Master of Life, Masters of the mind, and to teach their children how to do the same. This is what I call Premium Optimal Parenting or How to be an Optimal Parent.


The journey began one to one coaching. But my goal is to impact 1 million families by 2030. So one to one coaching isn't the right strategy. I need 10,000 Coaches to teach to 100 families. So my Optimal Parenting Course is designed to both help parents learn on their own or to be used as a parenting coaching framework so we can help those that need a more hands on approach to learning these skills. 


So there is is. Star Family Coaching is about creating families of Life Masters guided by parents that are Optimal Parents. As Neil deGrasse Tyson explains. "We are all made from the particles forged by the stars. Earthlings were forged by our Star we called the sun"  So as I see it we are all related. We are all part of the Star Family. People helping people in a capture grow release aka guiding way are... Coaching.  

This is what Star Family Coaching is all about.

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